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Stella McCartney Cavendish Satchel

SKU 138628
  • Stella McCartney Cavendish Satchel
Est. MSRP $1,540 SOLD OUT!


Exterior back is out of shape. Exterior front is out of shape. Zipper is scratched and tarnished. Interior lining is discolored.

Size & Fit

Width (at base): 8.5"
Height: 9.5"
Depth: 4.75"
Handle Drop: 3"
Shoulder Strap Drop: 21.75"

Product Details

Type of Material: Calf
Color: White, Black
Origin: ITALY

Known for a style that's tailored, confident and feminine, Stella McCartney launched her line in 2001. A lifelong vegetarian, she does not use any leather or fur in her designs. Stella strives to create a greener world through her and the company's actions.